OBSV is a full-service talent booking agency. Can you explain what that means?

With a primary focus on public keynote speakers, lectures, trainers and educational program designers, we work with event planners to secure the most befitting talent for their events. We have a fully trained staff that will work alongside you and your organization to satisfy all of your needs during the talent vetting & booking process.

Why should I work with a speaker’s bureau versus contacting the talent directly?

Our firm has a combined experience in this industry of over 60 years which has allowed us to create network density and bargaining power with securing talent that are usually just one call away. Our representatives know the right questions to ask and are able to quickly ascertain the critical details regarding a talent’s booking preferences which helps to avoid incidents that can cause event delays or…even worse…cancellation.  With that degree of experience, access and insight, the decision-making process is expedited and simplified. Moreover, some talent work with OBSV exclusively and require that our agency be a part of the booking process.

Booking speakers is not the core function of my job responsibility. How can you help?

We have worked with thousands of clients that range from largest organizations to small community non-profits. The first step would be to click here so that we can learn more about you and your event. Once we receive that information we will reach out within 48hrs to have a free consultation about our thoughts on our event.

We don’t know exactly which speaker to select for our event. Can you help with this?

Absolutely! Our industry experience and insight allows us to offer options quickly and with relevance to your specific engagement.

Can you help our organization determine themes and topics of interest?

Yes. OBSV team members are constantly researching a wide variety of issues and industries so that we can offer relevant feedback with respect to event themes and speech topics. We tend to offer the most powerful suggestions for events that are to some degree related to OBSV’s foundational areas of interest. Click here to learn more about us and our Five Point Foundation.

When should I plan to book a speaker?

This completely depends on the scope and scale of your event as well as many other factors. Ideally, to allow yourself an adequate planning runway, we would recommend 3 to 6  months. However, we have had to book speakers for some of our clients at the last minute which at times has meant within 24hours. We definitely don’t recommend the 24-hour plan!

What happens after I have decided on the speaker I would like for my event?

Once the speaker has accepted your offer we will do the following:
• Issue speaker promotional materials
• Issue a contract, invoice, & audio visual release form
• Begin the logistical planning and arrangement process

What if my speaker has to cancel the event?

We will work with you every step of the way to either reschedule your event (if feasible) or identify a worthy replacement. If neither a reschedule or replacement is viable, then any deposits will be returned in full without delay.

When can I consider my event confirmed?

You will receive written confirmation via email from your dedicated OBSV Business Development Specialist notifying your of the Talent’s acceptance of your organization's fee and terms.

How much does it cost to secure a speaker?

Speaker fees (or honoraria) for the talent within our network typically range from $7,500 to $150,000 for in-person events and $2,500 to $100,000 for virtual events. Fees can change drastically due to a number of factors such as location, time of year, contractual requirements, and demand.

Does the honorarium include travel or is travel to be expensed separately?

The in-person fee includes all related travel expenses.

How does your agency get paid?

OBSV’s standard booking fees are deducted from the talent’s payment and are not added on top. This means that you are not incurring extra fees on top of the budget secured for the talent. This is part of our dedication to integrity and transparency in every event that we are associated with.